Membership Information

  • The club is intended for active adults who have an interest in hiking and outdoor activities however, the club is not organized to train people in outdoor activities and outdoor safety.
  • Prospective members of the club must be 18 years of age or older.
  • To join, complete the membership application and release form below and submit the $25/per person annual (calendar year) dues.

Release Form

It is the personal responsibility of each club member to know his/her physical capabilities and limitations, and to participate accordingly.

Hikes range from a nice walk to more challenging hikes and trips over rocky and hilly terrain.

Everyone is expected to physically prepare and hike in a manner that ensures personal safety and the safety of the group.

Club members are required to obtain and maintain proper equipment for club activities.

Participation in a hike can be refused at the Hike/Trip leader’s discretion for failing to have the equipment specified or needed for the hike.

In signing and submitting this application for membership, I hereby make known that I will hold blameless and fully indemnify, including legal expenses, in the case of accident, injury, or damage of any kind The Woodlands Hiking Club, its officers, members, and volunteers.

I recognize hiking and camping, like all forms of outdoor sports, are potentially dangerous including the possibility of property damage, illness, injury, or death may result, and I voluntarily participate at my own risk.

I further recognize that safety, personal fitness, and equipment are my personal responsibility. I agree to participate in keeping all The Woodlands Hiking Club activities safe.